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Fragenübersicht Welche Aufgaben hat deiner Meinung nach ein Berater für Internetfreiheit in der EU ?
1 - 4 / 4 Meinungen
09.02.2013 14:03 Uhr
siehe Antwort der EU-Kommission zu dieser Frage:

Mr zu Guttenberg was appointed by Vice-President Kroes as her advisor. Mr zu
Guttenberg is not paid for this activity and there is no formal requirement to
produce reports of his activities, which have included sensitive discussions with
or involving people in countries or situation of personal risk. Publicising the
details of such activities or discussions could be potentially harmful for such
Mr zu Guttenberg has helped to build relationships with key public and private
stakeholders, both with the European Union and in third countries, particularly
in the USA, who are keen to contribute to the success of the No Disconnect
Strategy. He has also provided his own insights into the direction that the
Strategy should take and his inputs have been one ingredient in the work of the
Commission in this important field.
As noted above, Mr zu Guttenberg is not paid for his activity as advisor to Vice-
President Kroes. Only the travel and subsistence costs related to his role as an
advisor were reimbursed. In 2011 and 2012, this amounted to EUR 19.862,01
(EUR 5.532,25 in 2011; EUR 14.329,76 in 2012) from budget line

09.02.2013 14:10 Uhr
Nun, er kennt sich mit dem Internet gut aus, weiß wo man was findet. Gerade wenn es um Doktorarbeiten geht.

Was der so macht, weiß wohl kein Mensch.
09.02.2013 14:16 Uhr
Der findet die Seiten für kostenlose Downloads von geschützten Inhalten - die vertickt er dann an die EU-Abgeordneten.
09.02.2013 18:23 Uhr
Raubkopien für die Kommission sammeln, ohne daß es jemand merkt.
  LPP   Volk, Sonstige
1 - 4 / 4 Meinungen