Boy Kottkes Tagebuch
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11.07.2005 20:43 Uhr
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Eines der wenigen Lieder, bei dem ich richtig böse schlucken muss, wenn ich es höre:

Last Letter Home

Hello there my dearest love
Today I write to you about our sons
The boys start school today
They're the spitting image of you in every way

Hey son it's Dad
I hope this letter finds you well out of harm's way
We saw the news today it frightened your Mom
Now all she does is pray

If I lead will you follow?
Will you follow if I lead?

Hey Melissa it's me don't be afraid
I'm in good hands I'm gonna be home soon
It's time to watch the children grow up
I wanna be more than a voice on the phone

Thanks Ma I got your package today
I love "The Fields Of Athenry"
I swear I want 'em to play that song on the pipes
At my funeral when I die


I stand alone in the distance
And the foreground slowly moves


"We regret to inform you that on January 28th Sgt. Andrew
Farrar died while serving his country in the Al-Anbar province
of Iraq words cannot convey our sorrow"


When there's nothing on the horizon
You've got nothing left to prove

If I lead will you follow?
11.07.2005 20:16 Uhr
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(Written by Dropkick Murphys)

We are the ones who will never be broken
We are the ones who survive
This is the sound that brings us together
You are the one by our side

And through it all, the spirit's alive
And through it all, your spirit's alive

You are the memory that lives on forever
The shadow that stands by our side
This is the sound that keeps us together
We are the ones who survive


Farewell my brother
You're off to the big rink in the sky
The good lord's between the pipes
*And you've got Bavis and Ace on the wing

We are the ones who will never be broken
We are the ones who survive


This is the sound that brings us together
You are the one by our side
22.06.2005 23:22 Uhr
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Liebe ist stets

der Anfang des Wissens,

so wie Feuer der

Anfang des Lichts ist

Peter Carlyle (1795-1881)
21.06.2005 17:05 Uhr
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Home is where your heart, your love is! 
17.06.2005 02:30 Uhr
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166 DolerInnen, die mir vertrauen:
30 18%
20 12%
16 10%
13 8%
10 6%
10 6%
6 4%
6 4%
6 4%
6 4%
6 4%
6 4%
5 3%
5 3%
3 2%
3 2%
2 1%
2 1%
2 1%
2 1%
2 1%
2 1%
1 1%
1 1%
1 1%

7 DolerInnen, die mir misstrauen:
2 29%
2 29%
1 14%
1 14%
1 14%

169 DolerInnen, denen ich vertraue:
30 18%
22 13%
17 10%
13 8%
10 6%
10 6%
6 4%
6 4%
6 4%
6 4%
6 4%
6 4%
5 3%
5 3%
3 2%
3 2%
2 1%
2 1%
2 1%
2 1%
2 1%
2 1%
1 1%
1 1%
1 1%

3 DolerInnen, denen ich misstraue:
2 67%
1 33%

TSW 2.1.2-d powered by DolBot Industries
13.06.2005 21:48 Uhr
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"Eure Ehre heisst Treue, unsere Antwort Dresden."

General Patton
30.05.2005 23:59 Uhr
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ohne es zu merken habe ich die 400.000- bimbes- und 2.000.000 Dolpoint-Marke überschritten. wahnsinn... ich bin echt zu beschäftigt... ;) 
29.05.2005 22:39 Uhr
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29.05.2005 11:53 Uhr
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mein political compass ist extrem weit abgerutscht...

Economic Left/Right: -9.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -9.08

ich glaub, jetzt wird es lustig...
23.05.2005 23:35 Uhr
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Sympathy for the Devil
The Rolling Stones

Please allow me to introduce myself
I?m a man of wealth and taste
I?ve been around for a long, long year
Stole many a man?s soul and faith
And I was ?round when jesus christ
Had his moment of doubt and pain
Made damn sure that pilate
Washed his hands and sealed his fate
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name
But what?s puzzling you
Is the nature of my game
I stuck around st. petersburg
When I saw it was a time for a change
Killed the czar and his ministers
Anastasia screamed in vain
I rode a tank
Held a general?s rank
When the blitzkrieg raged
And the bodies stank
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name, oh yeah
Ah, what?s puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, oh yeah
I watched with glee
While your kings and queens
Fought for ten decades
For the gods they made
I shouted out,
Who killed the kennedys?
When after all
It was you and me
Let me please introduce myself
I?m a man of wealth and taste
And I laid traps for troubadours
Who get killed before they reached bombay
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
But what?s puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, oh yeah, get down, baby
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
But what?s confusing you
Is just the nature of my game
Just as every cop is a criminal
And all the sinners saints
As heads is tails
Just call me lucifer
?cause I?m in need of some restraint
So if you meet me
Have some courtesy
Have some sympathy, and some taste
Use all your well-learned politesse
Or I?ll lay your soul to waste, um yeah
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, um yeah
But what?s puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, um mean it, get down
Woo, who
Oh yeah, get on down
Oh yeah
Oh yeah!
Tell me baby, what?s my name
Tell me honey, can ya guess my name
Tell me baby, what?s my name
I tell you one time, you?re to blame
Ooo, who
Ooo, who
Ooo, who
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Oh, yeah
What?s me name
Tell me, baby, what?s my name
Tell me, sweetie, what?s my name
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Oh, yeah
13.05.2005 19:43 Uhr
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Und dann war da noch das demokratische Land,
das mit Mehrheit beschloß,
alle Demokratiegegner erschießen zu lassen...

12.04.2005 09:44 Uhr
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Die Religion ist der Seufzer der bedrängten Kreatur, das Gemüt einer herzlosen Welt, wie sie der Geist geistloser Zustände ist. Sie ist das Opium des Volkes.

05.04.2005 18:20 Uhr
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Thank god I«m a V.I.P

Far out of the ordinary Oh how I love those red carpets Cause I«m born for TV Thank God I«m a V.I.P Taste isn`t necessary Bop till you drop And friends are for free

Ladies and gentlemen Don«t miss your chance to meet me
I am getting older but my girls are getting younger day by day

Thank god I«m a V.I.P

Far out of the ordinary Oh how I love those red carpets Cause I«m born for TV Thank God I«m a V.I.P Taste isn`t necessary Bop till you drop And friends are for free

I don`t talk about sex and money ,honey Cause thats just me. tell me what I need I«ve got champagne to wash my feet

Thank god I«m a V.I.P

Far out of the ordinary Oh how I love those red carpets Cause I«m born for TV Thank God I«m a V.I.P Taste isn`t necessary Bop till you drop And friends are for free
03.03.2005 22:57 Uhr
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Neues vom Bund

Aushang am schwarzen Brett:

Sieger des Panzertarnwettbewebs ist der 3. Zug. ZgFhr 3.Zg. wird gebeten, HEUTE noch Verlustmeldung 3fach KPz Leo II im GeZi abzugeben!
26.01.2005 22:38 Uhr
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Die Mitglieder der Loge der Aufgeklärten Brüder II

?Sind die Rauchfässer des Schicksals rituell gezüchtigt?? ? ?Klar doch!? ? ?Klar doch?? ? ?Klar doch, hab?s selbst erledigt!? ? ?Du sollst eigentlich antworten: ?Für wahr, oh oberster und größter??. Meine Güte, ich habe euch immer wieder darauf hingewiesen: Wenn ihr nicht mit der richtigen Einstellung an die Sache herangeht?? ? ?Ja, ja, hör gut zu, was dir der oberste Meister zu sagen hat!? ? ?Ich hab die blöden Rauchfässer stundenlang gezüchtigt!?
26.01.2005 21:52 Uhr
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Die Mitglieder der Loge der Aufgeklärten Brüder

"Sind die Räder der Qual richtig gedreht, Bruder Wachturm?" - " Es ist nicht meine Aufgabe die Räder der Qual zu drehen, normalerweise kümmert sich Bruder Stukateur um die Räder der Qual!" - "Nein, das stimmt nicht! Meine Pflicht besteht darin die Achsen der universellen Zitrone zu schmieren! Du behauptest..." - "NUN SEID ENDLICH STILL! Heute Abend brauchen wir die Räder der Qual gar nicht!"
18.01.2005 16:40 Uhr
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Ich und meine Brüder ham das Kriegsbeil ausgegraben,
wir können es uns leisten euch als Feinde zu haben,
feige und bestechlich und für das was sie sagen nicht bereit,
die Konsequenzen zu tragen

17.01.2005 19:18 Uhr
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Crosby Stills Nash

Six o' clock in the morning I feel pretty good
So I dropped
into the luxury of the Lords
Fighting dragons and crossing swords
With the people against the
hordes who came to conquer

Seven o'clock in the morning here it comes I taste the warning
I'm so amazed I'm here today
Seeing things so clear this way
In the car and on my way to Stonehenge

flying in Winchester cathedral - sunlight pouring through the break of day
Stumbled through
the door and into the chamber
There's a lady setting flowers on a table covered lace
And a cleaner
in the distance finds a cobweb on a face
And a feeling deep inside of me tells me this can't be the

I'm flying in Winchester cathedral - all religion has to have its day
Expressions on
the face of the Saviour
Made me say I can't stay

Open up the gates of the church and let me out
of here
Too many people have lied in the name of Christ for anyone to heed the call
So many people
have died in the name of Christ that I can't believe it all
And now I'm standing on the grave of a soldier
that died in 1799
And the day he died it was a birthday - and I noticed it was mine
And my head didn't
know just who I was and I went spinning back in time
And I am high upon the altar - high upon the altar
- high

I'm flying in Winchester cathedral - it's hard enough to drink the wine
The air inside
just hangs in delusion
But given time I'll be fine

Open up the gates of the church and let me
out of here
Too many people have lied in the name of Christ for anyone to heed the call
Too many
people have died in the name of Christ that I can't believe it all
And now I'm standing on the grave
of a soldier that died in 1799
And the day he died it was a birthday - and I noticed it was mine
my head didn't know just who I was and I went spinning back in time
And I am high - upon the altar - high
- upon the altar - high
16.01.2005 02:06 Uhr
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endlich ist meine Hompage realityHOUSE wieder erreichbar. Nun, ich hab es zum Weblog umgebaut, aber das nur, damit ich schneller aktualisieren kann...

12.01.2005 13:43 Uhr
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Ich hatte ganz vergessen, wie lustig eigentlich Beach-Boys-hören sein kann. hat man gleich bessere Laune...

Let's go Surfin' now!
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